Introducing xMETRIC: An Immutable Record of Your Early Involvement in MetricsDAO

Help us test MetricsDAO’s protocol and get rewarded for your early participation on-chain with xMETRIC tokens.

We’ve been experimenting with MetricsDAO’s analytics delivery process for several months now, testing out the structures and incentives that allow for both speed and flexibility when tapping our community of analysts.

Now that we have the right organizational process in place, we’re excited to start iterating on community ownership, token gating, and automation. Which is why we’re launching xMETRIC this Friday.

xMETRIC tokens** are a beta version of MetricsDAO’s future $METRIC token. Think of it as monopoly money that allows us to test parts of our protocol design – with your help.

Your participation in our analytics challenges will help us test the key actions that community members are meant to take in order to deliver on demand analytics in near real time. As you complete certain actions you’ll earn xMETRIC, which will not only record your early contributions on-chain, but also unlock other gated actions you can take.

This is a massive step for us towards building out Metrics protocol and app to automate our Web3 analytics marketplaces.

xMETRIC will allow us to put all of our analytics workflows in place, test them, and enforce the right user behaviors -- so that when we're ready to launch, we can turn on the switch and activate something that is already working.💪

xMETRIC holders will be visible on the MetricsDAO leaderboard and entered to win special prizes and perks. As you earn more xMETRIC you’ll also be able to take part in expert-level activities, working with other top analysts in the space (and earning more!).

How to Earn xMETRIC

Participants can earn xMETRIC by taking specific actions in the Metrics ecosystem.


As soon as you earn your first xMETRIC, you’ll be added to the MetricsDAO’s leaderboard. The more you earn, the higher your rank. The leaderboard can be found here: https://legacy.metricsdao.xyz/xmetric-leaderboard

**As part of MetricsDAO’s testing and analysis of the functionality and use of its protocol, xMETRIC tokens may be delivered to the blockchain wallet address that you have connected to the protocol. xMETRIC tokens will be delivered and used solely for testing and experimental purposes. xMETRIC tokens are not now, and will never be, transferrable, nor do they confer any rights whatsoever to holders of xMETRIC tokens (including but not limited to voting rights; governance rights; or rights to any profits, losses or distributions of any person, organization, DAO or other entity or group). In addition, please note that xMETRIC tokens are not METRIC tokens, and do not represent any right or interest in or to METRIC tokens or to any other tokens or assets. But please enjoy the bragging rights that xMETRIC tokens provide you as an immutable record of your early participation in MetricsDAO testing!

Last updated